Cooking and me

A nice beef stew for dinner.
Image via Wikipedia

Cooking and Me

Traci Kenworth


I adore cooking. I’m always pouring over recipe books, looking for the latest one to try. Today, I’m making homemade beef stew in the slow cooker. It’s my Momma’s recipe. First, you dust the beef in flower (after cutting it in chunks) and brown it in a frying pan. Cook in beef broth on low in the slow cooker eight hours. Meanwhile, boil your potatoes then after they cool, fry them, then add to stew. If you’re adding carrots, add that along with the beef (unless, like me, you only have the canned variety on hand. Lol.). You can put in anything you like, celery (I tend to have to make due with the salt as the kids HATE the vegetable), green beans, sweet peas, etc. Add the extra vegetable about a couple hours from the end, same with the potatoes as they’re already cooked and you don’t want them to get mushy.

Any recipes to share? I know not everyone likes cooking from scratch, but I find it fun and relaxing. I can get as creative as I like (yeah, that writer in me. Lol.) and save time in my crockpot, not having to worry about fitting time in to make dinner later. So what are your thoughts? Hate, love? Want to throw that bowl of homemade lumpy, mashed potatoes out the window? (I prefer sour cream & butter to making them instead of the milk.) Oooh, know any good bread recipes (without the maker)?

Come on, share, share!!

6 responses to “Cooking and me”

  1. OH dear. I wish I liked cooking. It’s dangerous to have me in the kitchen to tell you the truth! There is often blood shed or smoke or something along that line. But I try. LOL 🙂


  2. LOL, Lynn. I’m sure your creativity lends itself to other things instead. I actually hate gardening. Can’t do it to save my life. That green thumb in the family skipped me. But that’s okay. Everyone has their own unique talents.


  3. I love cooking and baking both. Perfecting my Mama’s recipes is my goal. I also create my own recipes from scratch and am compiling recipes to write a cook book. My blog isn’t dedicated solely to this; but I do share recipes at times. Soon, I will be releasing my website and it will have a blog on it for cooking and baking as well as blogs about real life as a mother with Fibromyalgia.


    1. Baking is also one of my loves. I can get wrapped in the smell of chocolate chip-oatmeal cookies, a blackberry pie, or even those oh-so-delicious non-baking desserts. Christmas is one of my favorite times of years because of this.


  4. I absolutely love cooking and there’s nothing better than a good stew!!

    I really like I find so many great recipes there. There’s one called Bourbon Pecan Chicken…it is to die for! 🙂

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse


  5. I’ll have to try that site, thanks, Angela!! Yum, I’ll have to try the Bourbon Pecan Chicken, it sounds delish.


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