Book Reviews: Heaven’s Wager

Cover of "Heaven's Wager (Martyr's Song, ...
Cover of Heaven's Wager (Martyr's Song, Book 1)

Book Reviews

Heaven’s Wager by Ted Dekker

Traci Kenworth


Heaven’s Wager is a supernatural horror set in modern times about a man who has lost his way in life and is about to be shaken to the very core of his existence to find his way back back to humanity. When the story starts out Kent Anthony has just created a program that will revolutionize the banking world and is about to come into millions of dollars. Unfortunately, he’s compromised a lot of things along the way: including his morals and is about to pay big time.

First, his wife dies on the eve of the speech that would have propelled him to the top of the business world, days later his son dies in a tragic accident. At the same time, individuals at the bank rise up and knock him out of credit for his invention of the program. Reeling, Kent plots revenge and finds it by means of a security code he implanted into the system before things went to hell. He begins to plan the perfect crime.

What he doesn’t plan on is: a mother-in-law who doesn’t give up on praying for his soul, an old flame, and God.

As I read Heaven’s Wager, I have to say, I had a hard time getting through the book as Kent is a very hard character to find any sympathy for, despite the tragedy around him. I understand that Dekker had to make him as morally corrupt as possible, but there has to be something about a protagonist to make us want to read on and there just wasn’t here. I did find redeemable qualities about him at the end but by then, it was too late to identify the character with Kent Anthony at all.

I had hoped to find so much more with this story. The mother-in-law was very likeable and admirable in her strength. Likewise the old flame. But I felt the love affair was too soon after his first wife’s death.

2 responses to “Book Reviews: Heaven’s Wager”

  1. Fortunately this isn’t a book that would be on my radar (since I read mostly YA), but thanks for the great and honest review. I am interested in reading more horror books. Obviously this won’t be one of them.


    1. I was hoping for more from this author, since I’d heard such wonderful things about him. Perhaps it was just this book, I won’t say I’ll never pick up another of Dekker’s, I would just be more reluctant. I try and read in and out of the ya genre I write in, just to keep up on things, and to learn from each author I come across. This book taught me about too flawed characters I would have to say and how to entangle your readers in a situation so downtrodden that it’s hard to care about your protagonist.


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