Keeping Up with Your Career

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Keeping Up with Your Career

Traci Kenworth


Are you keeping up with your career? Do you research new findings? Study where you’ve been and where you’re going? I think it’s important to do so. Not only do you stay fresh, but it brings more to the bargaining table. Never stop learning is a promise of mine to myself. Each day, I’m amazed by something just found out, confirmed, or added depth to. Take writing, for instance. We need to keep browsing over those English manuals, learning our craft from the masters, and reading to discover who we are in relation to other authors.

Right now I’m learning how to be a Breakout Novelist from Donald Maas. I’m re-reading an English textbook, working on punctuation, revising etc. from several different craft books. Each time I go over them, I learn something, or see something different. I have two shelves of craft books and add to them here and there. Do I need them all? Probably not, but I tend to hang onto them for the day insight will come. The next time I flip through the pages could be the time a gem falls out that will help me with my writing.

And isn’t that what it’s all about? Helping yourself advance? Helping your employer, agent, editor, see that your capable of growing in the marketplace. It’s imperative that we not become stagnant. It cuts off the flow of ideas if we do. No matter where you are along your journey, I encourage you to take the chance to grasp something you never have before. Go back to school, pick up that book, talk to someone and learn what their life is like, it might make for an interesting character in your book. So take care to always keep learning, no matter how unimportant it might seem, it enriches your thinking, opens new doors.

What are some of your ways to learn new things? Do you find it helps? Do you agree we should never stop growing in terms of our lives?

4 responses to “Keeping Up with Your Career”

  1. You sound EXACTLY like me, Tracy, when it comes to craft books. I read one a while ago, but it wasn’t until I reread it that everything clicked into place. I’m always on the look out for another book to take my writing further. Right now I’m studying a book on symbolism (for written stories and movies). I’ve definitely become a craft book addict, but I’m not complaining. 🙂


  2. Ah, a fellow soul!! I, too, am addicted to them. I have so many favorites and I always keep an eye and ear open for the next step. Often times, the cats or my kids knock my place marker out of books and I’ll have to begin again but I seem to pick up something I’ve missed, so it’s not a bad thing.


  3. I am a wannabe writer. Can you suggest a craft book that a novice writer must have? Thanks!


  4. There are a lot of good craft books out there, I still pick them up because I feel you can never learn enough, there’s always something new to discover. I love Heather Seller’s books for inspiration: Page by Page, Chapter by Chapter. Donald Maas has a GREAT line of books out called, The Breakout Book, The Breakout Novelist. For basics, get yourself a good English text book. There’s also Elements of Style by Strunk & White, Webster’s Guide to Punctuation. A few more on my shelf: Fiction is Folks by Michael Newton, Just Open a Vein, William Broughah. Also there’s a great How To series out by Writer’s Digest on everything from Horror to Romance. I love to rummage through the shelves of WD, they always have great craft books. So if you don’t have a membership to their books side of thing, I’d recommend them. I could go on and on but I don’t want to overwhelm you (looking back here, I hope I haven’t already done that). If I had to choose one to start with, it would be Just Open a Vein or even Dorothe Brande’s Becoming a Writer, both teach you how to blossom as a writer. Then start to look into the inspiration side, the basics, and finally move out into your area/s of interest. Hope that helps.


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