What Campaigning Means to Me

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What Campaigning Means to Me

Traci Kenworth


If you’re a participate of the Fourth Platform Builder’s Campaign over on Rachel Harrie’s blog, you’ve been a busy little bee like me all week, visiting blog after blog. I do apologize if it appears I haven’t been through some people’s blogs on the list yet. It’s true, there’s a lot of you I still need to drop in on. While, there are other blogs I had a hard time leaving a comment on as it said my opened credentials couldn’t be verified or on some, the captcha wouldn’t allow me to submit anything. As another blogger mentioned, you might want to check your blogs because after the 3rd or 4th time of trying, one usually gives up and that’s a lost reader.

Today, because of this, I joined Google’s Blogger which seems to let me connect with more blogs, so I’m hoping not to have this trouble as I continue through. Blogger allows me to link back to my wordpress blog, so that makes it even better. But I don’t know what to do about the captcha ones.

Anyhow, I just wanted to say how happy I am to get to know you all and read such fantastic entries. There’s nothing like being able to reach out to fellow writers who understand, who’ve been there, and know how to go that extra mile. The support is awesome and the turnout has been better than I expected. So welcome, if you’re stopping in. Have a look around. I hope you enjoy and subscribe. I try to keep everything positive and upbeat on here as well, doom and gloom just drag you down and who needs that?

I’ve learned some things while out and about I plan to put to use. Mostly though, I met some great bloggers and hopefully, eventual friends. This is a hard business but together, we can make it through. We’re not each other’s competition after all, that slot belongs to ourselves. Hugs to all who’ve joined and commented. I look forward to getting to know you all. Together, we can all build stronger platforms and maybe help each other on that journey to publication and beyond.

43 responses to “What Campaigning Means to Me”

  1. I can’t wait to go around and read everyone’s first entry. It should be great.


    1. It has been amazing to see the different stories associated with the challenge. Thanks, for stopping by!!


  2. Hi Traci!

    Sounds like you HAVE been busy! Whew! Blog work does seem to take up a good deal of time. Like you, I also use Blogger to leave comments on some sites.
    Great to know that you like to keep everything upbeat, too! Life’s too short.


    1. Indeed it is too short, Michelle. Thanks for stopping by!!


  3. It has been a busy week and we’re not even halfway through it yet! I still have lots of places to go, still, too. As for me, I am glad that I joined Blogpost last year and, although I haven’t really kept up with it, I recently put a link back to my Word Press blog, so people can find me. It was so frustrating not to be able to comment on some of those wonderful blog postings. I’m sure many of the flash fiction participants are wondering who the heck Humpty Dumpty is, not realizing it’s really me, My Withershins!


  4. Lol, welcome Humpty Dumpty!! Thanks, for stopping by. It has been a very busy week like you said. Scrambling to keep up with it all.


  5. magic of making up instant reconnect technique
    I have been absent for a while, but now I remember why I used to love this web site. Thank you, I will try and check back more often. How often do you update your blog? magic of making up affiliate


  6. I just want to say how much I love your last paragraph! It’s SO true. I love connecting with other writers and the support we give each other.


    1. Thanks, Lisa!! My cps/beta readers have taught me so much in the way of support. I kind of floundered through before I met them, now I realize our greatest strength is each other. I always want to help my fellow writers, to give back as so many other great bloggers have taught me, we really are in this together, and together we shall triumph.


  7. ditto! Can I just point people to this post?

    I’m trying to reach as many as possible, but it’s hard to do and stay in touch with the ones I’ve been visiting – – although I think people understand.


    1. Yes, it does take some time getting through but I find not everyone posts every single day so that makes it somewhat easier to keep caught up. I visited all the ones in my lists and subscribed to those that allowed me, followed others on fb or twitter to keep up with them and I hope to find the ones that truly support each other and build relationships with them. So far, I’ve met some great people. But there are a LOT of those on other lists that I haven’t gotten to and probably won’t this time around as I do have to keep up with my writing and other things too. However, there’s always next time to get to their blogs and in the meantime, get to know the keepers in the lists I have.


  8. It’s nice to meet you! I’m part of your group 1 campaign. Looking forward to following you!


    1. Thanks, Lissa!! Welcome!!


  9. Hey Traci! Just stopping by to say hi. I’m in your campaign group, and I can’t wait to get to know you! It really is awesome to meet other bloggers….people who aren’t writers just don’t quite understand the neurotic craziness we go through ;).

    Anyways, good to meet you!


    1. Definitely crazy times, lol. But they’ll all be worth it when we can share in each other’s success and boost each other up the next rung of the ladder.


  10. I’m with Lisa…I love your last paragraph! It’s sooooo true. And I’ve read some of the challenge entries, and they’re so good!


  11. Thanks, Julie!! The challenge entries are so good. We have a fantastic load of entries. I confess I’m still going through them as I’ve had hospital visits, so will be doing my best over next couple days to get to them all.


  12. You are right. I’m also trying to comment on some blogs but am unable to . Or I have to try again and again and again and……
    I’m also trying to write something for the challenge.


    1. Thanks for stopping by. I wish it wasn’t so difficult on some of the blogs, but maybe this campaign will help some of them know what may be causing less traffic their way. Good luck writing your challenge entry!!


  13. It’s so sad, because Captcha used to be easily deactivated on blogger. Now I can’t seem to find the option. :-/


    1. It does make for an annoying stop.


  14. Ah. Apparently one has to go to old blogger and then change the option. That is REALLY annoying. Did point it out now. Maybe everyone should.


  15. I’ve seen another blog that pointed the same out. I had trouble getting to make comments on some blogs that used Google until I signed up for their blogger. But then, I don’t want all these blogs of mine across the place, so I directed that blog back to this one.


  16. It is great getting to know other writers. Blogging is an amazin way to do so. And, it’s true that our biggest competition is ourselves. Take care. =D


    1. Thanks for stopping by, RaShelle!!


  17. Hello, Traci! I am from campaign group #1, and WAY behind in my visitations. I’ve even missed Rachel’s prompt, and need to check my blog for “user-friendliness”. Hope you were able to stop by and leave a comment…I’ll check that out. Whew! So much to do, and so little time, with 2 teens to home educated, and things to read and write. I think I took on more than I can handle! See you around…


    1. Hello and welcome, Jarm!! I just visited your website. It sounds like you’ve been pretty busy. Good luck with everything.


  18. Hi there! It’s Cindy from the campaign. Guess what? My sequel comes out at the end of March and I’d love you to join me on a blog tour. What do you think?


    1. I don’t have a book published right now (I’m praying, hoping, secretly chanting, my wip will be offered for here, but no word yet.) but anything I can do to help you, I would welcome the chance!! I love to help author writers, and I appreciate the offer. So, yes, anything you need, let me know.


  19. Such a great post and welcome to Blogger (which I like so much better than WordPress)!


  20. It’s so nice to *meet* people who get the writing life, isn’t it? Wrting’s such a solitary thing most days. Looking forward to getting to know you through the blogosphere!


    1. Looking forward to getting to know you too, Daisy.


  21. So glad you mentioned the problem with sign in’s and capthca’s. I’ve had my share of them , too. I’m not sure what you mean about signing up for google’s blogger. Did you sign up for a whole new blog? I googled it and that’s what it looked like I had to do.

    Or else did you just sign up for the account? How do you do that?

    Anyway, saying hi from the Campaign and hoping you’ll read my challenge. Number 181. I was a late entry. I hope people start from the back and like the stories as well. Nice to meet you and I hope I’ll see you around. 🙂


    1. When they have choices as to who you want to sign in under: google, name/url, wordpress etc. It wasn’t letting me use my WordPress to sign in, it would say that my credentials could not be verified. So I signed in under google and it took me to a blogger sign up. It was quick and painless and best of all, I could link my blog on WordPress back to it so that’s what I did. I filled out the profile page for this. Now when I visit sites on the campaign, I can just sign in under google if wordpress gives me a problem and viola!! Promblem solved. I don’t have to write a blog on blogger and that’s one of the highlights. I keep my original blog and increase traffic flow. I’ve been having some outages in my area due to weather, so as soon as I can I’ll get to your story. I’m only at 76 right now but hoping to catch up by end of weekend…Ah, I’ll take a peek now while the electricity is on.


      1. So now you have two blogs? It gets confusing doesn’t it? What do they want you to do with two blogs?

        How did you link up your wordpress blog to it? I’m thinking I may have to do this to get my name verified on some of the blogs I visit, too. I get the same message. And have the same trouble. Thanks for replying to me. 🙂


  22. Forgot to thank you for looking at my story! Thanks. Glad you liked it.


  23. Although I do technically have two blogs, the one on google points back to this one. I went to edit profile, filled in the info, and under the blog listing, I put this one, so it brings everyone here. But, yes, you’re right, it does make thinks much easier to comment on other sites. You’re welcome on your story!! I’ve enjoyed reading the other entries very much.


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  25. Thank you for another informative site. Where else may I am getting that kind of info written in such a perfect method? I’ve a mission that I am just now working on, and I’ve been on the glance out for such information.


  26. I’m super behind on commenting on people’s blogs (real life strikes again!), but I’m having a great time getting to know everyone just the same! (I love Google Reader. So much.)


  27. Thanks for stoppy by, Stephanie!!


  28. Hey I am so happy I found your weblog, I really found you by accident, while I was looking on Google for something else, Anyways I am here now and would just like to say kudos for a fantastic post and a all round interesting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to read through it all at the moment but I have bookmarked it and also added your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read much more, Please do keep up the great work.


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