Another Miss

Picture of the author Diana Gabaldon during a ...
Picture of the author Diana Gabaldon during a book signing held in Fergus, Ontario (during the Scottish Festival) on August 11, 2007. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Another Miss

Traci Kenworth


Sorry, everyone, I didn’t get a book review in this week again. More life came into play. Between appointments, errands, and Spring Cleaning the book/s got pushed to the side. I will be back soon and plan to make book reviews a regular feature here. Some problems might occur when outside events come into bear and also depending on the length of the book. I.E. A Diana Gabaldon or Stephen King of good length may take a while, but I’ll try and read other things (non-fiction, craft books, etc.) at the same time. I’m working on catching up with the books I’ve stored away in to-be-read-piles all these years as well as current draws. I figure if I challenge myself enough, I can clear away a lot of non-keepers and get my bookshelves more maneagable.

How about you, what’s in your tbr pile as of late? Are you doing some “Spring Cleaning” of older books?

8 responses to “Another Miss”

  1. MY TBR pile is growing – and I keep buying more books! Pretty soon the pile is going to literally fall on me and cover me completely! I’m so overwhelmed, I almost don’t know where to start, yet!

    I love the photo of Diana Gabaldon. My faithful friend and I went to see her when she came here for a book signing, but I never thought to bring my camera! I still have to finish her series. 🙂


    1. I know, I have 1 bookshelf of nonfiction and 5 of fiction. It’s overwhelming but I’m determined to break those down.


  2. I have SO MANY on my e-reader right now, I can barely keep up. 😀 But somehow, I will climb that mountain!


    1. I’m afraid to get an e-reader for fear it will pile up like my bookshelves, lol.


  3. I have a lot to read in my pile, but I prefer it that way. I’d rather have too many choices than not enough when it comes to books. 🙂


  4. I’m doing better with the self restraint when it comes to buying books. I’m still buying them, but I’m making an effort to not buy as many as I normally would while I catch up on my TBR pile. I have to really really really want to read a book before I buy it now.

    On the other hand, my resolution not to buy anymore books until I’ve finished my TBR pile failed miserably. lol


    1. I know what you mean. I keep buying despite all that I have to catch up on.


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