Another day off…

Wednesday (Photo credit: teachernz)

Sorry, everyone. The book review for this week will be set back till the following one. Welcome to summer on Wednesday!! It’s this and the kids being out of school that have my time dwindling for reading, blogging, writing, etc. Oh, and the third week of recovery from surgery is going well, thank God!! Just figured I’d have more time for things with not being able to do much but my attention is needed elsewhere frequently. Maybe I’ll get a resprite this weekend when I go away with kids to Columbus or rather a country suburb of it. Have a great week everyone!!

6 responses to “Another day off…”

  1. Hope you enjoy your vacation, and that recovery from surgery continues to go well.


  2. Jennifer Fischetto Avatar
    Jennifer Fischetto

    Hope you have a great weekend, Traci. 🙂


    1. Thanks, Jenn!! You too!!


  3. Enjoy your time away! See you when you’re back. 🙂


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