Regulating Your Writing Time

A Writing Kind of Day
A Writing Kind of Day (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Are You Regulating Writing Time to the Background?


Traci Kenworth




It’s so easy to let time get away from us. Letting time slip away that’s reserved for writing here and there due to errands, appointments, life is hard to get back. I know I’ve been going through this for a while now and it’s like being stuck in a whirlwind. You promise yourself you’ll make that lost time up another day, another hour. The problem is, every day we face the risk of losing more. Soon, it becomes a pattern, dare I say, even a habit to skip? Surely when life stops being so complicated, we can get back to our Muse. If we don’t put up a stop sign—even for just ten minutes out of our day—writing becomes less important to us.


Now, I know there are days we can skip on occasion, but when it adds up to weeks or even months, we’re ultimately hurting ourselves. It’s tough enough to make it in the writing world without becoming our own worst enemy. Not spending time doing something you love (and I assume you love writing, why else would you do it?), makes it easier to let it slip to hobby status and then just fall by the way side. It’s hard to say, “No,” you can’t do something when you’re a writer. After all, the majority of people in your life assume it won’t be a bother to you to take care of something. Your writing doesn’t account for bosses, time cards, and set hours. So letting things slide shouldn’t matter.


Oh, if they only realized. Writing is a business. If you don’t do it, you don’t get a chance to be published, an opportunity to be paid by your bosses (the publishing house/s). So don’t feel guilty for scheduling time to write. More time writing also equals more growth in your work. Take the time. Stick to it. Schedule appointments around it as much as possible. Now, this is not to say, emergencies won’t come up and I’m not saying to ignore them when they do. Just don’t let your set time become less and less until there’s nothing there anymore. Because getting the Muse to work again, takes a long time. That’s time that could be spent moving on to the next level in your career. Lesson learned. Now, to get back to it.


4 responses to “Regulating Your Writing Time”

  1. melodyauthoress Avatar

    I SO needed to hear this right now. Finding writing time used to be easy for me, but now I’m in college and the good times are gone. 😦 I needed this encouragement to make writing a priority again. Thanks!


    1. You’re so welcome, Melody!! It’s tough to get that time, but it really needs to BE THERE, if only to keep our sanity!!


  2. Usually I’m good when it comes to writing the first draft or editing. I’ve been planning my new WIP, and I haven’t been writing as much as usual. If I had, I’d be finished the planning and would be writing the first draft. 😛


  3. For me, it can happen at any of the stages. I don’t know why but the past 6 months or so, I’ve just really “slowed” at the writing process. Of course, I’m learning new things that are helping my writing tremendously, but sometimes it feels like I’m wading into deep water and I can’t swim when it comes to finding time to work on my wip. There’s so many distractions and with summer fast approaching and the kids out of school then, I’m trying not to drown in pushing forward against the waves. Plus, I’ve had to send my computer in three times now in these past 6 months for repair, so that only frustrates things. I feel like there’s a shark stalking me in these waters.


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