Book Talk 10/25/19 Update Traci Kenworth


Book Talk 10/25/19: Update

Traci Kenworth

I’m reading Sarah J. Maas’s Throne of Glass (so awesome!), Windwitch by Susan Dennard (another wonderful worldbuilding novel), Neferet’s Curse (so creepy) by P.C. and Kristin Cast, The Girl from the Well (beyond creepy) by Rin Chupeco, Children of Blood and Bone Tomi Adeyemi (talk about fascinating), and Sightwitch by Susan Dennard (more worldbuilding). In non-fiction, I’m reading Writing Irresistable KidLit by Mary Kole. I should be finishing some of these soon! It takes me longer on the non-fiction as I read only a bit of it each weekend and try to apply it to my stories before moving on to the next bit.

2 responses to “Book Talk 10/25/19 Update Traci Kenworth”

  1. Non-fiction takes me longer too, Traci. Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s just so much to absorb!

      Liked by 1 person

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