Book Talk 12/6/19: Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s Surviving the Transition Traci Kenworth

cover Surviving the Transition by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Book Talk 12/6/19: Kristine Kathryn’s Rusch’s Surviving the Transition

Traci Kenworth

Surviving the Transition by Kristine Kathryn Rusch WMG Publishing

Amazon’s blurb: Most writers run their careers the same way they did in the 1990s. But publishing has changed so much since then that any writer who works on the old model will no longer make a living.

In this short book, international bestselling writer Kristine Kathryn Rusch shows you how to think about the new world of publishing, who to trust, and who not to trust.

She also gives you a blueprint for survival—what to learn, what to ignore, and how to find help. If you are a successful professional writer—or hope to become one—then this book is for you.

“Not many people understand the publishing business as well as the author business—Kris Rusch is one of them.”
—Kevin J. Anderson,
New York Times bestselling author
(on The Freelancer’s Survival Guide)

“Kristine Kathryn Rusch still knows twice what I do about writing and publishing. Good thing she’s put all her wisdom down in a book so I can start stealing some of it.”
—Steve Hockensmith,
New York Times bestselling author
(on The Freelancer’s Survival Guide)

“Surviving The Transition: How Writers Can Thrive In The New World of Publishing,” copyright © 2012 by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. First published in 2011 in slightly different version on

Award-winning, bestselling writer Kristine Kathryn Rusch has published books under many names and in many genres. She has owned several businesses, and has worked for herself for more than thirty years. For more information on her work, go to

If you found this short book helpful, you might want to read these books as well:

My Review: Another gem by Rusch! This takes you past the old model of publishing into the future. I don’t agree with everything she says but enough of it to listen. This may help you to make the choice between Indie and traditional. I try to listen to more than one side, and I’ve had others who helped me to see that I should try for traditional first. Having a team behind me will help me go further. I tend to think they’re right. Though I will continue to learn as much about the business as I can to be aware of how things work, what to look for, how to grow a career in the business. She is still an author to be aware of and to educate us on business and writing.

2 responses to “Book Talk 12/6/19: Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s Surviving the Transition Traci Kenworth”

  1. This sounds like a useful and interesting book, Traci.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Robbie! Hope you enjoy!

      Liked by 1 person

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