Colleen’s Weekly Tanka Challenge 2020 Traci Kenworth 2/25/2020

Colleen’s Weekly Tanka 2020 Challenge

Traci Kenworth

Synonym Words: Love & Harmony

A Senryu

doting dad wins peace
baby snuggled on his chest
pow! punch to the chin

8 responses to “Colleen’s Weekly Tanka Challenge 2020 Traci Kenworth 2/25/2020”

  1. Too cute!
    I remember when mine were little and sent Dad up for story time… Toddler comes down wide awake – Dad’s asleep 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Now, this is a sweet Senryu Traci. It’s often human nature to hurt the one we love. LOL! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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