Writing Links…5/7/18

butterfly and flower
butterfly and flower

Writing Links…5/7/18

Traci Kenworth



  1. http://colleenchesebro.com/2018/04/29/unicorns-ascension/ “I never question where my writing inspiration comes from. I just go with it. When you believe in the possibilities – you never know what you will see. Stay tuned to hear more about The Sisters of the Fey – The Beginning… (This is a repost. The reblog is not working so I re-added the post manually).”
  2. http://storitorigrace.blogspot.com/2018/05/spring-cleaning-writing-challenge.html “Les Rules:
    Link back to the person who tagged you. 

Share the picture.

Answer the questions or even pick and choose which ones you answer. 

Tag 3 other writers and inform them that you tagged them (via comment/message/email or hey, even carrier-pigeon or smoke signal; I’m not picky).”

  1. http://legendsofwindemere.com/2018/05/03/my-thoughts-on-anxiety/ “First, I’m going to say that these journal entries are built entirely on my own thoughts and experiences.  For now, I’m trying to figure this out and haven’t been able to find a professional that takes my insurance.  I have a therapist and that’s who helped me figure out what was really going on, but people tend to demand a psychologist in this arena.  So, don’t think I’m going to be clinical here or spreading further than my own instances.  That’s why I’m starting with this overview of my situation instead of trying to talk as if I studied anxiety and depression on a professional level.  Maybe this will help myself or someone by learning that I’m not alone in how this is happening.”



Romance/Women’s Fiction:

  1. http://romanceuniversity.org/2018/05/04/tips-on-becoming-a-better-writer-by-andrea-bell/ “There is no science, specific skills or procedure involved in becoming a great writer. Different people have different opinions, feelings and stories to tell and writing is a form of expression for them. Whether it is contemporary writers such as Stephen King and J.K. Rowling or evergreen names such as William Shakespeare and Jane Austen, the penned word has always been a popular form of art and expression. Every writer has their own unique voice which enables them to share the story or ideas that have taken root in their minds.”
  2. http://mfrw.blogspot.com/2018/05/author-interview-checklist.html “Imagine your book is coming out and you want to line up interviews for the release. Or you’re scheduled to appear on a blog to talk about one of your characters. Perhaps you set up an interview months in advance and now the date is looming. How do you prepare?”
  3. http://romanceuniversity.org/2018/05/02/faye-hall-queensland-australia-slang-in-a-romance/ “Growing up in North Queensland, Australia, I was always taught that we were an ‘odd breed’.  We had our own greetings and even our own type of lingo to the rest of the country.  As a young child, I honestly did think this was just some story my parents told me, but as I grew up and entered the publishing world, I realised just how very true this all was.”



  1. https://stevelaube.com/twenty-five-more-quotes-about-the-writing-and-publishing-process/ “In recent weeks I have posted a bunch of quotes about words, writers, and writing. But there are so many that I had to return to this proverbial well once more. Following are twenty-five more quotes, mostly about the writing and publishing process, which have been sent to me by friends hither and yon (mostly yon).”



  1. https://englishhistoryauthors.blogspot.com/2018/05/common-myths-of-wars-of-roses-richard.html “Thus, by painting a dark image of Richard, Henry could distract from his own major shortcomings: a weak dynastic claim and complete inexperience of government.” 
  2. https://awriterofhistory.com/2018/05/03/when-dithering-descends/ “I have this thing I do when my mind is muddled, my direction uncertain, and reality is not quite as hoped – I clean my desk and files. Somehow an orderly work place – the alcove in my bedroom – helps me refocus.” Heartbreaking for a writer.
  3. https://englishhistoryauthors.blogspot.com/2018/05/the-wapping-coal-riots-of-1798.html “Coal was a major source of heat and an important commodity to London’s financial stability. As such, ships filled with coal called in at the various ports of London on the River Thames. Early on, officers of the West India Merchants and Planters Marine Police Institute (England’s first organized police force) patrolled the crowded Thames waters from their headquarters at Wapping New Stairs



  1. http://annieneugebauer.com/2018/04/30/unravel/ “Let’s finish off my National Poetry Month celebration with something… creepy. *evil grin* Y’all know I love a shivery little poem or two, so today I’m sharing “Unravel,” which was first published in the HWA Poetry Showcase Volume IVby the Horror Writers Association last year. I like to think of this one as a horror love poem–do with that what you will.” Makes the skin crawl.
  2. http://www.thisishorror.co.uk/news-round-up-week-ending-4-may-2018/ House of Sighs, Where the Cats Will Not Follow, and Xtro. Just became a Patreon member!



  1. http://johnwhowell.com/2018/05/03/thursday-a-little-personal-twiggy-lucy-and-bailey-hit-the-yard/ So adorable!



  1. http://avajae.blogspot.com/2018/05/on-cusp-of-exhale.html “I’m not 100% done with everything—have one more thing to turn in, but that just requires light revisions before handing it over. And that has weirdly coincided with my publishing deadlines, which also still need to be turned in, but only require light revisions. So I can see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. I’m on the cusp of an exhale.”
  2. http://www.fromthemixedupfiles.com/2018/05/dont-age-8-12-love-middle-grade-novels/ “I admit it—I LOVE middle grade novels, and I’m not afraid to show it. Years ago, I was reading a middle grade novel on an airplane with my daughter. She fell asleep and I kept reading…until someone tapped my shoulder. The woman across the aisle said, “She’s sleeping. You don’t have to read her book anymore.” I smiled and said, “Thanks, but this is actually my book.” Her mouth opened wide, but she didn’t say another word to me the entire flight.”
  3. http://pitchwars.org/pitch-wars-going-forward-part-one/ “We are sure you and many others in the writing community have questions about and for Pitch Wars. Therefore, we are starting a series of blog posts to address the recent and important issues brought up surrounding things like: the fee; inclusivity within Pitch Wars; how Pitch Wars addresses concerns of the public; and what is happening with Pitch Wars going forward.”
  4. http://www.adventuresinyapublishing.com/2018/05/le-sterling-author-of-true-storm-on.html “The True Born Trilogyrepresents the first time I’ve written a series of books. Throughout writing the series I learned an awful lot about penning a story that arcs out over three books. I almost wish I could go back and re-write the novels, knowing what I know now! Having said that, there’s something really special about crafting the last book in a series, which is what True Storm I wanted to leave my readers feeling fulfilled by this last installment. I wanted every reader to feel like they’d just experienced the best meal they remember having in a long time, so I spent a lot of time in the early stages plotting this one out more meticulously than the previous two. Using what I learned from writing the first two novels, True Born and True North, I wanted to make sure True Storm was strong both as a stand-alone novel as a the finale of the series.”



  1. http://annerallen.com/2018/04/how-to-write-a-great-first-sentence/ “No matter what genre you write, your first sentence is a seduction. It can be in the form of an invitation. A declaration. A tease. A promise. A jolt. A shock.” Something I’m working on in editing. And working. It has to be just right.
  2. https://killzoneblog.com/2018/04/dont-lose-your-head-over-point-of-view.html “Which is why I like to see a POV established at the top, rather than weather or setting descriptions or a distant narrative voice. Not a hard and fast rule, but unless you have a very good reason not to, give us a character in motion as soon as you can.” The only thing I would say, David Farland recommends the camera angle at the opening to capture protagonist description as well as setting then slowly move into protagonist’s head.
  3. https://margotkinberg.wordpress.com/2018/05/03/crime-fiction-news-break-50/
  4. https://margotkinberg.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/gonna-make-a-jailbreak/ “Prison isn’t exactly a nice place to be. So, most people don’t want to go there. And, if they’re there, they don’t want to stay there. That’s one reason there are prison guards, security procedures, and so on. Despite those measures, though, people do escape from custody. With today’s technology, it’s not easy to do. But it does happen.”


Short Stories/Anthologies/Novella:

  1. https://coldhandboyack.wordpress.com/2018/04/29/goofing-off-kind-of/ “I never received back any of the final interviews this weekend. That means I didn’t schedule any new ones. I sent one out, but I’m three weeks ahead. There is no need to panic… yet. Sometimes authors drag their feet, and I understand. I’m pretty sure they will come in and get me through the month of June.” I need to try those American Indian tacos someday!
  2. https://bizmarc.wordpress.com/2018/04/29/alone-in-paris/
  3. https://allaboutwritingandmore.wordpress.com/2018/04/28/guest-author-allan-hudson-the-one-bedroom-ark/ Noah Coyne began to count the cash in his till. The flashing of the crosswalk light on the corner caused him to look up. His reflection in the store’s front window flashed yellow every time it blinked.  Outlining his proud chin and the life lines etched across his brow, the amber beam outlines a handsome man of seventy-one. The image reflected in the glass has dark holes for eyes for the faint light cannot capture the vibrancy of the owner’s gaze. Eyes of the darkest blue, like fresh steel, stare out at the empty street in front of his store. The pavement, wet and slick from a drizzling rain, shines yellow and black, yellow and black, until the warning light suddenly stops. He looks up, wondering if the person he can see crossing the street might be coming his way – one more customer…
  4. https://culturevultureexpress.wordpress.com/2018/04/28/what-pegman-saw-goodtimes/ The walk was bloody killing my feet but my energetic wife was speeding ahead. Who ever said this was a good idea? Certainly not me. I enjoyed the history and getting the Facebook pictures (Me and Gail doing the Great Wall of China trail. #GoodTimes) as much as anyone else but I wasn’t exactly Usain Bolt.
  5. BONUS: http://teagansbooks.com/2018/05/05/artie-meets-the-alchemist-getcaughtreading-2018/ Hello, everyone!  It’s Get Caught Reading Month.   Chris Graham – the Story Reading Apeand I are together again for a mini-series in honor of this event.  There’s also a free Kindle book to be had — read on to learn about that.



  1. http://wherewordsdailycomealive.com/2018/04/29/my-sweet-lord/ I have set the Lord always before me.
  2. https://syl65.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/friday-inspiration-all-honor-and-glory/ Unconditioned love from the beginning.
  3. http://wherewordsdailycomealive.com/2018/05/04/your-selfless-smile/ Pure essence.
  4. https://robbiesinspiration.wordpress.com/2018/05/03/photoprompt-making-a-splash/ Aspirations for greatness.
  5. https://vashtiqvega.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/haiku-friday-obsession-you/ But your thorns are long and sharp.



  1. https://www.indiesunlimited.com/2018/05/01/lynnequisition-voracious-readers-only/ “That’s when I got the idea to create a big email list of readers who are eager to read authors they haven’t heard of before. Once I gathered about 100 emails, I began reaching out to authors who recently published a book and explained to them that I wanted to give away 20 copies to my list in exchange for the email address of each reader so they could add them to their email list. Within a few days, I had a week’s worth of books to give away and Voracious Readers Only has evolved from there.” Sounds like a good program if you can afford $20 a month.
  2. https://www.indiesunlimited.com/2018/04/30/using-real-places-products-in-your-novel-name-but-dont-defame/ “The reason people worry about using name brands and sometimes locations is because they are concerned they will be somehow be sued. Generally, brands can’t sue you for mentioning their product. In fact, name brands love being in your books. They love being portrayed positively in anything that reaches lots of people. So much so that they pay for product placement in movies and TV shows (but that’s another story altogether).” I tend to avoid both.
  3. https://www.thebookdesigner.com/2018/05/the-glory-of-post-cards/Isn’t snail mail old-fashioned? Nope, not in my marketing book. In 2000, there were over 103,526 million pieces of first class mail delivered. In 2016, it had dropped to 61,219 pieces. There’s less snail mail to compete with. Plus, it’s speedy—there’s no envelope to open. Wait-wait, there’s more. It’s cheaper than regular first-class mail.”
  4. https://selfpublishingadvice.org/opinion-why-authors-need-to-budget-for-book-marketing/At ALLi, we’re often asked, particularly by beginner authors or those who are new to self-publishing, whether it’s possible – or wise – to outsource their book marketing requirements to a third party, so as to focus on writing their books instead.”
  5. https://www.thecreativepenn.com/2018/05/04/how-to-build-1000-superfans-when-youre-starting-from-zero/But I kept writing, kept blogging, kept podcasting, kept reaching out to other writers, and slowly, I started to find an audience who liked my work. It can happen for you too.” 



  1. https://nailyournovel.wordpress.com/2018/04/29/what-i-learned-about-writing-novels-by-failing-at-short-stories-and-how-to-make-a-short-story-into-a-long-one/ “I started small, and writerly friends urged me to think bigger, mainly because short stories were a much more difficult sell. At the time, I didn’t think I had a novel in me, though I dearly wanted to find one. And, being a beginner, I had my hands entirely full with the craft basics. I couldn’t control more characters, threads, etc etc.” I had a rejection come from a short story market today. I wonder if I’m cut out to write short, I never have any luck. I got close once upon a time but I just want to write more about the story not shift it down to smaller.
  2. https://www.janefriedman.com/framing-your-story-question/ “Sometimes everything we need for our openings is there, more than we need, in fact. It’s just a matter of cutting and rearranging.”
  3. https://www.janefriedman.com/copywriting-101/ “Writing for businesses is a way for skilled writers to earn a good, dependable income. Someone is responsible for writing all the websites, brochures, and marketing materials out there. Why not you?”
  4. https://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/what-should-your-characters-talk-about/ “Dialogue is the one aspect of story you can share with readers without needing to describe, embellish, or otherwise bring it to life. All you have to do is record exactly what your characters say, and let their words speak for themselves.”
  5. http://writersinthestormblog.com/2018/05/living-for-the-wins/ “When you’re living for the next win, you keep your sights set on the high points, on those relative two seconds of when you’re at the highest tip of the roller coaster. And when you’re living for the win, the low points aren’t the thrill dropping, stomach plunge of real roller coasters. Nope. They suck. The low points are the times when nothing’s happening, or you’ve received 22 rejections over the course of four months, or you’ve watched every single one of your writer buddies soar on to publication, contest wins, book sales, and more.”
  6. http://writershelpingwriters.net/2018/05/occupation-thesaurus-entry-clergy/ “People They Might Interact With: Parishioners or followers, officials within the religious hierarchy, those that they serve outside of the “church” (the homeless, social pariahs, the poor, etc.), members of the media, other staff members, local clergy members, strangers seeking something the religion may be able to provide (peace, absolution, knowledge, community, physical care, etc.)” I try and highlight a different feature these entries show. They’re incredibly detailed so if you need an occupation for your character, look here!
  7. https://twodropsofink.com/2018/05/04/are-you-looking-for-your-voice-in-all-the-wrong-places/ “As writers, we are often all too aware of our voice, or our perceived lack thereof. We wonder what it sounds like and where to find it. We read about ways to find it. We try different ones on for size. We look for it in others’ writings. We become obsessed with finding this all too elusive voice.” I think it develops over time. It just happens. It’s the combination of everything a writer is.
  8. https://www.livewritethrive.com/2018/05/03/two-days-to-master-self-publishing-with-an-industry-expert/ “Publishing your own book means you have to be a publisher. You have to know all the pertinent aspects of successfully publishing a book. You can waste a lot of time and get frustrated if you don’t know how to navigate the waters.”
  9. http://writershelpingwriters.net/2018/05/make-a-scene-one-stop-for-writers-formal-scene-map/ “Personally, I like things to NOT be complicated. Writers should be writing, not stressing out, right? So, I’m going to take a moment to mention some of the structure tools at One Stop for Writersthat make life easier for us creatives.” I’ve used these with TGW, they helped immensely!
  10. https://kriswrites.com/2018/05/02/business-musings-cultural-change-and-the-traditional-writer/ “It’s been a heck of a year. Or two years. Or three. So much has been happening—not just in my life, but in the world—that it’s almost impossible to keep up. And here, in the United States, the news cycle moves so fast that a short story I wrote and sold as science fiction almost a decade ago about updating news features every thirty minutes or so seems remarkably quaint. Every thirty minutes? Some days, the breaking news stories pile on top of each other in the space of minutes.” She makes me wonder at going traditional with the horror stories out there. I just don’t know.



  1. http://themilitantnegro.com/2018/04/29/tortellini-di-zucca/
  2. http://www.thepassivevoice.com/nobel-prize-in-literature-2018-cancelled-after-sexual-assault-scandal/ “Riven by infighting and resignations following allegations of sexual misconduct, financial malpractice and repeated leaks, the Swedish Academy has said no Nobel prize for literature will be awarded this year.”
  3. http://booksbywomen.org/shared-history-by-nikki-stern/ “Much later, after several intermediary careers, I’ve discovered writing produces a parallel sense of accomplishment. My “target” is a story with a voice, one that transcends the material and reaches the reader. Of course, it helps to write what you know. My two non-fiction books were both prompted by my experiences as a “9/11 widow”-how the death of my husband changed and didn’t change me, how it altered and didn’t alter the culture.”
  4. https://acflory.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/twitter-users-change-your-password-now/ “‘As a precaution, Twitter is urging more than 330 million users to change their password after a glitch left log-in details exposed in the company’s internal computer system.” Did this with the warning I saw from twitter today.
  5. http://vivdrewa.me/2018/05/03/dsm-publications-news-from-don-massenzio-a-free-book-offer/ “DSM Publicationsoffers Editing and Formatting services to Indie Authors with advice and networking with other authors.”
  6. http://dsm-publications.com/2018/05/03/food-and-society-a-rough-hurdle-for-vampires/ “A big part of all societies food, which makes it difficult for a vampire to blend in.  You can only pretend to have already eaten or not be hungry so often before people start thinking you have a problem.  On the other hand, you can’t role up with your latest victim dangling from your fangs.  So, what are some tips to surviving events that require a little sipping and noshing?”
  7. http://amdobritt.blog/2018/05/03/saying-goodbye-to-that-wip-when-its-okay-to-give-up-on-a-writing-project-via-annerallen/ “Here’s the thing: there are times when we need to accept that a particular book is not going to work, and our energy will be better spent on something new.” As I’ve said, I had to give up on resurrecting my first series last summer. I grieved but I’ve been writing amazing stuff since then. It will always be fond to me. I learned how to write, but it was never meant to see the light of day. Too many complexities.
  8. https://annetterochelleaben.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/angel-messages-may-4-2018/
  9. http://thepbsblog.com/2018/05/03/6-self-publishing-myths-that-need-to-die-kristina-adams/ “The assumption that traditional publishers will do all of your marketing for you is one of the biggest myths when it comes to traditional publishing. The more a publisher pays for a book, the bigger the marketing budget. Unfortunately, unless you already have a big platform, it’s pretty unlikely you’ll get a fat cheque or a decent marketing budget. Publishers pay more for celebrity books—and market them heavily—because they already have an audience. They know the books will sell if they reach the right people. The lower the risk, the happier they are to invest.”
  10. http://scvincent.com/2018/05/04/more-than-survival/ “One of my all-time favourite fantasy cycles is the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbelieverby Stephen Donaldson. They were the first fantasy books I ever read other than the classics such as Tolkien, Lewis and Carroll. My grandfather sent me a copy of the first book in paperback when I was living in France, “You’ll like this. The cover says it all…”


  1. http://jolenemottern.com/2018/05/03/thursdaydoors-red-again-2/ “Red doors are among my faves, because I always notice them. In some cases, though, it’s not the door, it’s door-adjacent red.”
  2. https://smorgasbordinvitation.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/writer-in-residence-companion-post-to-barbara-viliers-plights-of-restoration-women-by-paul-andruss/ “The original title was Rights of Restoration Women, but I soon realised how brief that would be. In this companion to Barbara Villiers on Smorgasbord, I focus on how men saw women, and women saw themselves in Restoration England (1660-1690).” Fascinating. You would think with Elizabeth I on the throne, some real strides would’ve been made for women but wheels turn slow. Just as here in the States.
  3. https://juantetcts.wordpress.com/2018/05/03/daily-post-ii-tantrum/
  4. https://stacitroilo.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/something-a-little-different-this-friday/ “I was out of town, so I wasn’t following industry posts (and I have way too much email to catch up by posting late links). I don’t usually discuss travel plans in advance (for safety reasons), but I’m back now, and I can talk about it.”
  5. http://thestoryreadingapeblog.com/2018/05/04/50-book-marketing-ideas-every-author-needs-to-know/ “No matter what kind of book you’re writing, all self-publishing authors will eventually reach the same question: what’s the best way to marketyour book?”
  6. BONUS: Because I believe book reviewers deserve special recognition: https://smorgasbordinvitation.wordpress.com/2018/05/05/smorgasbord-blog-magazine-meet-the-bookreviewers-d-g-kaye-for-kathy-steinemann-barb-taub-for-terry-tyler-robbie-cheadle-for-ben-woodard-m-j-mallon-for-sacha-de-black-and-jan-sikes-for-nonnie-jul/ Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Meet the #Bookreviewers – D.G. Kaye for Kathy Steinemann, Barb Taub for Terry Tyler, Robbie Cheadle for Ben Woodard, M.J. Mallon for Sacha de Black and Jan Sikes for Nonnie Jules.


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