Writing Links…6/11/18

girl with lantern, mysterious
girl with lantern

Writing Links…6/11/18

Traci Kenworth



  1. http://storitorigrace.blogspot.com/2018/06/questions-for-cohen-silhouette.html “Since Beautiful People has ended for the time being I thought I’d try reviving character interviews on the blog so I can talk about my books a little bit. This is Cohen Makovsky and he’s the main character of my Adult Science-Fiction novel Silhouette. He had his own Beautiful People, but I need to get to know him even more. XD Let me tell you a bit about him.”
  2. https://legendsofwindemere.com/2018/06/09/there-is-a-sliver-of-light-in-the-future/ “Speaking of anxiety, this week has been a rough one.  Sunday was fun with ‘Deadpool 2’ and Cheesecake Factory, but the weekdays were emotionally brutal.  Aside from some personal stuff, two reviews vanished on me.  One from Warlord of the Forgotten Ageand another from War of Nytefall: Loyalty.  Those are two books that can’t afford to lose any reviews and I don’t have any explanation for it.  It’s frustrating when you’re trying to figure out how to fairly get reviews while the ones you do have are disappearing.  I don’t know if the person who wrote them had their account deleted, someone reported these strangers as friends/family, or some other explanation.  With everything else going on this week, this incident became a catalyst for me to have an almost constant anxiety attack.  I used what little energy I could muster for writing.  That created an odd ‘stockpile’ of anxiety that would hit me once I was done, but I got through it.”
  3. https://phsolomon.com/2018/06/06/abracadabra-transforming-your-book/ “Today, due to popular demand, I’d like to outline an easy way to format your books for ebook publishing. In the past, you had to know HTML to do any serious editing on your converted book, and using Word meant deleting lots of extra coding that did you no favours. More recently, however, we’ve seen new programs that can do so much for us. One such writer’s program that makes the conversion process so much easier and stress free (once you know the software) is Scrivener, on which PH Solomon has so kindly written lots of posts on the ins and outs here on Story Empire. If you haven’t seen them yet, please do look through our archives.”


Romance/Women’s Fiction:

  1. http://romanceuniversity.org/2018/06/08/organic-marketing-by-kristan-higgins-2/ “Don’t worry, my lambs. Organic marketing is different and in some respects, easier, because all it requires is authenticity, an eye for why your readers reach for your books and a little time.” I hope to have Nora Robert’s grace in the future when I do signings. It’s all about appreciating your readers!
  2. http://www.rubyslipperedsisterhood.com/gh-finalist-guest-elizabeth-chatsworth/ “Today we’re welcoming Elizabeth Chatsworth, another of the amazing Persisters, the 2018 class of Golden Heart Finalists. Her manuscript THE BRASS QUEEN (fabulous title!!) is nominated for Best Mainstream Fiction.”
  3. https://bloodredpencil.blogspot.com/2018/06/a-tale-of-two-boxes.html “Once upon a time, a young woman sat down to write a book. Her delight overflowed when her best friend, a well-known and loved author, offered to help her start her story. On arriving, he gave her a beautifully wrapped gift. He said all the tools she needed resided within the large package. Smiling, he then kissed her on the cheek, wished her success, and left.



  1. https://stevelaube.com/book-proposals-the-non-fiction-annotated-outline/ “This is one of the main differences between the fiction and the non-fiction book proposal. I’ve seen many authors confuse the two and create extra work for themselves.”



  1. https://awriterofhistory.com/2018/06/07/somewhere-in-france-7th-and-17th-may-1916/Henry Tod was in the thick of the action in his last letter. Let’s see what happens next. I haven’t read any of these before I share them with you.”
  2. https://englishhistoryauthors.blogspot.com/2018/06/6th-century-britain-questions-without.html “In the age of Google, at a time when physicists are unlocking the secrets of the universe, when there are answers to almost every question, it seems churlish of history to present us with what used to be called “The Dark Ages.” Yet, in respect to Britain at least, that description would still appear to be appropriate for the period between the departure of the Romans, in AD 410, and the 7th century.”
  3. http://nicholasrossis.me/2018/06/05/history-of-the-great-library-of-alexandria/ “World history is full of terrible losses. No, I’m not talking about people who fell in numerous wars and battles. This post is devoted to another sort of loss: a cultural one. Unfortunately, humanity has lost too many antiquities, and cultural heritage can be irreplaceable. One such tragedy is the burning of the library of Alexandria.”
  4. Bonus: https://www.theresahuppauthor.com/blog/2018/06/06/the-best-book-club-ever/ “I am one of the moderators for a Facebook page called Read Local Kansas City, which aims to build a relationship between authors and readers in the Kansas City area. Recently, the page posted a spotlight on book clubs, linking to an article that offered tips for facilitating book club discussions.  As I read that article, I couldn’t help but think of my own book club.”



  1. http://annieneugebauer.com/2018/06/05/worth-the-excitement/ “My life is brimming with excitement lately. For one thing, I’ve finally finished the WIPbeast—for now, at least; no such thing as The End for writers—and I couldn’t be happier. It was a thrilling, trying, fun, exhausting project, and I am soproud of it. I hope to be able to tell you all about it soon, but for now I’m just looking forward to a big check mark, a fresh slate, and…”
  2. http://www.briankeene.com/2018/06/09/brian-severely-injured-burn-fund-established/ “Brian Keene was severely burned in an accident last Tuesday, June 5th, suffering 1st and 2nd degree burns to his head and face and 2nd — bordering on 3rd — degree burns to his left arm. You can read news coverage about the accident in The York DispatchBleeding Cool, and Horror Talk(as well as other places).”
  3. http://www.thisishorror.co.uk/news-round-up-week-ending-8-june-2018/ War: Dark Poems, Suspira, and The Human Alchemy.
  4. Bonus: http://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tod-037-annihilation-an-expedition-into-area-x/
  5. Bonus: http://thewarriormuse.blogspot.com/2018/06/iwsg-spend-little-time-with-your.html “For my insecurity this month, I want to address something I talked about on Facebook briefly. In the last few months I’ve been to memorials for two local writing friends. I regret not having had better conversations with them while they were alive, and the fact that I learned things at their memorials I feel like I should have learned while they were alive. So I’m going to quote myself here:” 



  1. https://mariacatalinaegan.com/2018/06/06/smorgasbord-afternoon-video-dogs-and-cars-two/
  2. https://scvincent.com/2018/06/06/bird-watching/ “My son’s garden is surrounded by trees and they are full of birds of every variety. It is a joy to watch them and listen to their constant song every day, but, at this time of year, we are always on tenterhooks, waiting to see what will happen. With nests in every tree and a nest in the bird box under the eaves, we can watch the first tentative sorties of the fledglings and see them grow and mature from scruffy juveniles to their full beauty… if they survive.”
  3. https://scvincent.com/2018/05/30/the-small-dog-the-storm-and-the-toothpaste/


Mental Health:

  1. http://mybipolarmind.com/2018/06/08/tell-me-you-love-me/Sometimes when we are feeling down, all we need is one person to tell us that they love us. It doesn’t matter who, as long as we hear those words. It’s like; tell me you love me… Sometimes we also just need someone to tell us that it is going to be okay, that we are not alone, or that we are worthy of being alive.” It’s very important to tell others you care about them, you never know where they’re at in life, how they’re feeling. Don’t not say something that can save a life.
  2. https://beckiesmentalmess.blog/2018/06/09/%F0%9F%98%8D-june-9-2018-quote-of-the-day-my-thoughts-%F0%9F%98%8D/
  3. https://beckiesmentalmess.blog/2018/06/08/%F0%9F%98%89-june-8-2018-quote-of-the-day-my-thoughts-%F0%9F%98%89/



  1. http://88cupsoftea.com/podcast/stephanie-garber/ I been waiting for this one for a while! LOVED her Caravel and awaiting Legendary!
  2. https://www.fromthemixedupfiles.com/2018/06/meet-jess-butterworth-author-running-roof-world/ “As a young child, my grandmothers and parents would read to me often, which I adored. Apparently I refused to go to bed without having several stories read to me beforehand. My absolute favorite books were The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Dear Zoo and Where the Wild Things Are.”
  3. http://scbwimithemitten.blogspot.com/2018/06/is-your-art-ready-by-kirbi-fagan.html “A few of you who are considering joining SCBWI’s 4 Out the Door program have asked me, “How do I know if my art is ready?” I’m here today to share what I have learned. Conferences bring all sort of professionals and amateurs together, it can be inspiring. Many times artists can walk away feeling motivated to get their work out in the world. If their work isn’t ready, they could be wasting valuable time and money on promotions that could be better spent at their easel.” 
  4. http://www.adventuresinyapublishing.com/2018/06/av-geiger-author-of-tell-me-no-lies-on.html “TELL ME NO LIES is the second installment of a duology, and it was not a book I initially planned to write. When I first signed with my agent, Follow Me Back(Book 1) was intended as a standalone novel. However, when Follow Me Back went out on sub to publishers, I needed something to take my mind off of the grinding uncertainty of the submission process. I began spinning out a messy, somewhat ridiculous first draft of a sequel, purely as a distraction for myself. Little did I know that my editor at Sourcebooks would eventually suggest changing the end of Follow Me Back into a cliffhanger, with my weird little sequel serving as the basis for a published second book!”



  1. http://annerallen.com/2018/06/new-writing-scams/ “A couple of months ago I wrote about some of the weird writing scams that have been showing up in my email inbox. A number of my online author friends have since told me they’ve been getting them too. So there seems to be some new master list of potentially gullible authors put out by the writer-scamming community.”
  2. https://killzoneblog.com/2018/06/the-basics-of-world-building.html
  3. https://margotkinberg.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/i-had-to-let-it-happen-i-had-to-change/ “Don’t tell anyone, will you, but one of the writing projects I’m working on is a standalone (well, thus far a standalone) that features a character from one of my Joel Williams novels. By the time the book is ready for human consumption, it will have been a few years since we ‘met’ this character. And that means that (hopefully), the character’s done some growing and maturing. After all, as we get older, have experiences, and so on, we hopefully learn and become more mature


Short Stories/Anthologies/Novella:

  1. https://kriswrites.com/2018/06/04/cat-nap/Triwell doesn’t adopt strays. He feels like a stray himself, a man who has lost everything even though he has a house and an antiquarian bookstore in Seavy Village on the Oregon Coast.”
  2. https://coldhandboyack.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/a-great-day-for-piracy/ “Lisa met me at the top of the stairs. She had those knee-high boots that turn over at the top, and her Captain Barbosa hat on. “What are we working on today, mate?” I need to get my Pirate Companion out one of these days! It’s a book, by the way. All the details about pirating. I got it back in the days when I was thinking along the lines of a pirate story. It still may happen.
  3. https://journeytoambeth.com/2018/06/08/writephoto-all-that-remains/ He came to me after dark, as night lay like soft velvet in the hollows of the hills. The fire burned low, his feathered cape laid over the chair shimmering iridescent blue as the birds stirred and gave their first sleepy chirps, my breath coming fast as he touched me and held me close. He told me his name, and I spoke it as I emerged from the dream.
  4. https://storyempire.com/2018/06/08/friday-book-share-boneshare/ “Boneshaker involves the backstory of an inventor who was hired to create a digging machine, with the ultimate goal of sending it to the Klondike gold rush. He tested it out in Seattle, but something went horribly wrong. This has to do with the active volcanics of the area and such.”
  5. Bonus: https://robbiesinspiration.wordpress.com/2018/06/06/flashfiction-carrot-ranch-warrior-women/ Charlie Mills wrote a lovely post about “warrior women” and provided this as the topic for her weekly 99-word flash fiction challenge.
  6. Bonus: http://mythsofthemirror.com/2018/06/04/conflagration-writephoto/ Carnelian skies burnish the dying day just so



  1. https://robbiesinspiration.wordpress.com/2018/06/09/poetry-nothing-stays-the-same/ a chameleon in function.
  2. https://keithgarrettpoetry.com/2018/06/09/heavens-tears-2/ do not cry.
  3. https://culturevultureexpress.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/poem-understand/ like the back of their hands.
  4. https://syl65.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/ruminations-2/ Be it a word or two.
  5. https://vashtiqvega.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/haiku-friday-choice-faith/
  6. Bonus: https://juantetcts.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/daily-post-strategy/
  7. Bonus: https://twodropsofink.com/2018/06/08/poems-by-jake-cosmos-aller/ Wild, free werewolf.
  8. Bonus: https://erikakind.me/2018/06/08/daily-kind-quote-717/ We grow up with creation.



  1. https://www.thebookdesigner.com/2018/06/seo-for-authors-part-1/ “Search Engine Optimization, commonly referred to as SEO, is the art and science of convincing a search engine, like Google, to send people to your website, content, or product.”
  2. https://www.thecreativepenn.com/2018/06/04/strangers-to-superfans-book-marketing-with-david-gaughran/ “If you want to have a long-term career as an author, you need readers to care about you and want to buy your books over the years to come.So how do you turn strangers into superfans? I discuss this and more book marketing tips with David Gaughran in today’s show.”
  3. https://selfpublishingadvice.org/self-publishing-3-0-indie-authors-selling-direct/In the final part of her series on Self-Publishing 3.0, ALLi director Orna Ross, named by The Bookseller magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in publishing, encourages authors to set up for a new phase in self-publishing: attract direct buyers and patrons, without any intermediary but a payment cart process.”
  4. https://selfpublishingadvice.org/building-your-team-of-professionals-june-2018-askalli-advanced-self-publishing-salon/ “In this month’s Advanced Self-Publishing Salon from the Alliance of Independent Authors, Orna Ross and Joanna Penn discuss how to assemble a team of professionals.”
  5. https://www.thecreativepenn.com/2018/06/06/7-ways-to-market-your-book-with-visual-storytelling/But in this increasingly noisy online space, it might be an image that draws a reader to your words.”



  1. https://marciamearawrites.com/2018/06/01/listening-to-your-wip-writingtip-amwriting/ “We’ve talked about this in the past, but as I avail myself of the process more and more, I now wonder how I wrote anything without stopping to hear my words now and then. At the very least, how did I dare submit my revised document to an editor, never having done so? And yet it’s SO easy.” This will be valuable. I read my work aloud during some of my last revisions. This may help me to concentrate on what needs fixed more.
  2. https://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/write-a-better-antagonist/ “We might even go so far as to argue that the antagonist isthe story. After all, without the antagonist, what is the protagonist? Just a happy dude in a happy world doing happy stuff. Makes for a good retirement-center commercial maybe. But it ain’t a story.”
  3. https://www.janefriedman.com/what-to-look-for-book-publicist/ “A successful book publicity campaign can bring in a level of media coverage that lands more clients, more brand cachet, more book sales, and additional media opportunities. That makes hiring an outside publicity firm a big decision, and knowing what to expect on the front end can help you make the right selection and get more out of the experience. If you’re considering hiring a publicist, here are a few things you should keep in mind.”
  4. https://authorkristenlamb.com/2018/06/busy-life-intention/ “Busy, busy, busy. Aside from ‘parsnip‘ I’m beginning to think my new trigger word is ‘busy.’ A couple posts ago, I took on the insidious lie about us being able to ‘find time’.
  5. https://www.janefriedman.com/lessen-your-chances-of-an-online-crisis/ “It can happen to you. Your carefully built author business and your reputation can come under attack and threaten to disrupt your livelihood and your personal life. But you can help prevent a crisis in the first place by using some simple engagement strategies.”
  6. https://fictionisfood.com/2018/06/06/how-long-it-takes-to-create-a-novel-isnt-important-writing-it-is-inspiration-from-author-ritu-bhathal-iwsg/ “Do you ever feel it’s taking too long to write your novel? What if I told you there is no prescribed timescale. Avoid internal pressure by learning from Ritu.” A nice story! You can dust off old manuscripts and finish them!
  7. https://blog.nathanbransford.com/2018/06/art-is-an-imperfect-catharsis “My heart is incredibly heavy this week with the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, and the ongoing poisoning of our shared culture by people who see more to gain in distracting us with hate than in inspiring love.”
  8. https://writershelpingwriters.net/2018/06/occupation-thesaurus-entry-model/ “Overview: The career of a model can look very different depending on the type of modeling they do and the level of their success. Most modeling falls into two categories: editorial (magazine spreads in higher-end magazines, fashion catwalks, high-end makeup ads, etc.) and commercial (catalogs, print ads for non-fashion products, commercials, and even showroom work where they work with the fashion designers as a form for the clothing being made). Models who are editorial often have a very distinctive look (something different or striking) and are often quite tall and adhere to very specific weight and age ranges. They also will clearly display their personality to prospective agents and clients in their look but are expected to be flexible and unopinionated—to do as they are told. Those in commercial modeling may have a variety of sizes and heights, be of different ages, and would have more of a “girl (or boy) next door” appeal because commercial modeling is more about the product than the model.”
  9. http://blog.janicehardy.com/2011/01/tall-dark-handsome-how-much-do-you-need.html “At some point in your story, you’ll have to decide how much to include about the physical description of a character. You don’t want to describe your characters to death, but you also want to use enough details so readers can get an idea of what they look like. How much is too much and how little is too little?”
  10. http://writersinthestormblog.com/2018/06/why-co-writing-may-be-my-new-favorite-thing/ “Not that writing isn’t still work — it certainly is — but Christina and I recently hatched an idea to co-write a novella, and so far this experience has buoyed my spirits and refreshed my soul. I didn’t think co-writing would be a good idea for me, but as it turns out, this endeavor has hit on so many aspects I enjoy about writing.” I’ve thought about co-writing before.
  11. Bonus: https://kriswrites.com/2018/05/30/business-musings-an-agent-nightmare-revealed/ “The news broke publicly over the holiday weekend. If you blinked, you missed it.

The bookkeeper for a prestigious New York literary agency pled guilty to embezzling millions from the agency, leaving the agency “on the brink of bankruptcy.”

Donadio & Olson has existed for 49 years. Started by legendary agent Candida Donadio, the agency has represented some of the biggest names in fiction for decades.

The curated-to-impress client list on Donadio & Olson’s website includes Chuck Palahnuik, and McKay Jenkins, as well as dozens of estates from Mario Puzo’s to Peter Matthiessen’s. (As well as the estate of an old colleague of mine. Pout.)

The New York Post article, which is what I saw initially, called the perpetrator the accountant for the agency. The actual legal complaint calls him the bookkeeper.  The actual criminal charges against the bookkeeper, Darin Webb, were filed on May 15 in federal court. Webb was charged with wire fraud for embezzling $3.4 million. A forensic audit is now occurring at Donadio & Olson, and there is speculation that the amount of money Webb stole will go much, much, much higher.” This is one of the articles I read that I was discussing on Writerly Things last week. It’s what changed my mind about having an agent. I’m going to still publish traditional-wise just submit directly to publishers.

  1. https://kriswrites.com/2018/06/06/business-musings-what-it-feels-like-to-have-an-agent/ “Unfortunately, as I have been telling you all for years now, embezzlement and financial negligence is rampant at big name agencies. Almost none have systems set up to prevent it. Of the four agencies I worked with over the decades, two actively embezzled from me. I was anal with the latter two by constantly monitoring money, so I know they didn’t embezzle. They didn’t have the chance.” The second article that changed my mind!




  1. https://annetterochelleaben.wordpress.com/2018/06/06/tell-me-a-story-traci-kenworth/ My first interview on the radio/internet!
  2. https://seths.blog/2018/06/on-paying-for-software/ “The business of software is a bit of a miracle. Properly designed, software isn’t more expensive to create when more people use it. In fact, when network effects are involved, it’s actually more efficient when more people use it.”
  3. http://booksbywomen.org/the-truth-as-i-know-it-by-caitlin-hamilton-summie/ “One of the pitfalls of writing fiction is that people think you are writing about yourself. To some degree, we all are, of course. We weave facts and experiences from our own lives into our stories, and we write about issues and situations we care about. But we are still creating stories, not writing memoir.”
  4. http://www.thepassivevoice.com/row-over-junot-diaz-sexual-harassment-claims-divides-us-books-world/ “The US literary community is split, after the Boston Review’s poetry editors resigned over the magazine’s decision to retain the novelist Junot Díaz as fiction editor, despite allegations of sexual misconduct, with authors including Jennifer Weiner and Monica Byrne lining up to condemn the journal’s stance.”
  5. https://vivdrewa.me/2018/06/08/perfectionism-on-the-job/
  6. https://charlesfrenchonwordsreadingandwriting.wordpress.com/2018/06/09/tips-for-writers-subconscious-mannerisms/ “My high school drama teacher had a quirky habit: first he’d pull on his nose, and then he’d push on it. One day, in the midst of a discussion about mannerisms, he told us where this habit came from: As a child he’d grown anxious that when adults said he had a “cute little pug nose” they really meant “he looks like a pig.” So, he’d begun pulling on it to make it longer. Then one day, his grandmother told him that if he didn’t stop tugging it his nose would end up looking like a sausage. That was even worse! But he couldn’t break the habit of pulling on it, so he adopted a second mannerism of “putting it back.” This two-part nose-fix had long since become a subconscious mannerism.Which is to say that he was (normally) unaware he was doing it.”
  7. https://dsm-publications.com/2018/06/08/sharpening-your-focus-why-its-important-to-outline-from-a-reformed-pantser/ “I am a reformed pantser. In other words, for most of my writing life, I wrote by the seat of my pants letting characters dictate the story and without a plan in place have a number of stories half finished. I’ve been working on a story for three years. It’s just a romance set against the backdrop of magical realism. But, I’m stalled. And so it sits gathering proverbial dust.”
  8. http://scarlettbrodie.com/2018/06/08/being-a-beta-reader-for-making-allowances-for-charlie-de-luca/ “Just thought I’d take time out to tell you about the start of my first beta reader experience.  I’m reading Making Allowances by Charlie de Luca for My Cup of Tea Press and very good it is too.”
  9. https://amdobritt.blog/2018/06/08/the-2018-author-interview-series-featuring-jemima-pett/ “Most of my stories creep up on me, then tap me on the shoulder until I write them down.  From that point of view, I write selfishly, what I want to write, but at the same time, I write the kind of stories I like to read (although there are loads of…”
  10. https://jessicanorrie.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/begin-as-you-mean-to-go-on/ “In keeping with my new snappy style, I’m allowing myself 999 words max for this post. Most bloggers manage with much less; my problem is, I like wordy writers (Dickens, Balzac, Woolf) and my models have made me wordy myself. I’ve learnt that to write well in a spare elegant style, much as I admire it (Stoner, My name is Lucy Barton), you have to write better than I can. I bury infelicities in my forest of verbiage, but would be rumbled if every word stood out clear from the page. A writer with six hundred plus pages to fill can explore their own meaning aloud. It must be nailed first time in a novella.”
  11. https://kimwrtr.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/author-inspiration-and-this-weeks-writing-links-4/ “I used to be a professor, and I currently write for two industry websites. Basically, I’m used to operating in teacher-mode. But this week, I started taking a mastermind class on backlist strategies for authors. I’m a student again! It’s a refreshing change. I feel my horizons expanding and my synapses firing. On top of all the work on my calendar, it makes for busy days. But I love the challenge.”
  12. https://thepbsblog.com/2018/06/08/youre-invited/ “The inaugural  Atlanta African American Book Festival is FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC and will take place on Saturday, July 14, 2018, at Georgia State University. Over 70 authors will convene in Atlanta to present their work to the Atlanta community. Author categories include fiction, non-fiction, romance, YA fiction, middle-grade fiction, and children’s picture books. Journalists, editors, publishers, literary critics, and scholars from various fields will be present. Panel discussions and workshops will engage festival attendees in topics concerning literary industry tips, civil disobedience, activism, emotional and spiritual well-being, restorative justice, and health and wealth. Children’s activities include a story corner and festival dance floor.”
  13. https://scvincent.com/2018/06/09/unusual-people/ “Delicate blue flowers caught my eye in the flower bed. I wondered where they had come from as they were nothing that we had planted … they had just grown. It only took a moment to realise that they were flax flowers and that, in fact, we wereresponsible for their presence after all, albeit inadvertently. They had appeared around the base of the bird feeder, where the constant stream of overwintering avian diners must have scattered stray seeds.  The seeds had lain there quietly, and now, with the advent of summer, were filling all the barren spaces in the flower bed. Feeding the birds through the winter was paying an unexpected dividend.”
  14. https://thestoryreadingapeblog.com/2018/06/09/the-line-between-dark-fantasy-and-horror-guest-post-by-jaq-d-hawkins/ “The definition of Dark Fantasy is “Fantasy with elements of Horror in it.” So the question is, how much Horror is required to take the story out of the realm of Fantasy and into the realm of pure Horror?”
  15. http://nicholasrossis.me/2018/06/07/5-ways-to-create-the-perfect-facebook-creatives/ “When we see them in our News Feed, Facebook ads look simple. But a lot of work goes into making them that simple, because they have to say a lot as non-invasively as possible.

To make the perfect Facebook ad creative, you need to diligently implement best practices that make your creative amazing every time. There are five ways, in particular, you can make an ad creative that reaches your desired goals.”

  1. Bonus: https://smorgasbordinvitation.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/smorgasbord-blog-magazine-the-gardening-column-with-paul-andruss-taste-the-rainbow-irises/ “This week Paul shares some of the most beautiful Irises to adorn your garden. Don’t forget that Paul is only too delighted to ask your gardening questions…. please leave in the comments.” Irises were my grandmother’s favorite flower. They always remind me of them. She had purple ones.




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