Book Talk 11/22/19: Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s The Freelancer’s Survival Guide Traci Kenworth

The Freelancer’s Survival Guide
Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Book Talk 11/22/19: The Freelancer’s Survival Guide by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Traci Kenworth

The Freelancer’s Survival Guide by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

WMG Publishing Jan 2013, 3rd Edition

Amazon’s Blurb: Most people become freelancers without any idea of how to run a business. They learn in the school of hard knocks. Kristine Kathryn Rusch has taken the school of hard knocks and made it into one of the most useful business books written in years. Included are these indispensable topics: •How To Negotiate Anything: Freelancers must negotiate everything from the rent they pay to the contracts they sign. Here’s how to negotiate on your own—and when to hire someone to negotiate for you. •Online Networking: In addition to tricks and strategies for online networking from Rusch herself, this Guide also includes advice from such online networking experts as Neil Gaiman, Michael A. Stackpole, and Mitch Wagner. •The Importance of—and the Difference between—Goals And Dreams: Freelancers often confuse their goals with their dreams. Rusch offers practical advice on how to meet your goals, and the importance of dreaming big. •How To Survive Failure—and Success: Success, more than failure, derails many freelancers. Rusch explains how to turn your failures into successes—and how to optimize the success when it finally happens.

My Review: This is a book for small business owners of all types. It will lead you through what to expect from beginning to the ending of your business. Success and failure are both addressed. It advises you to separate your business income and banking from your regular account. It talks about insurance for your business. It discusses sales. It talks about books as well as other products being IP (Intellectual Product) and how that effects not only you but your family. Licensing, of course, is discussed. This author has been through many business experiences as well as a successful writing career. She tells you the pitfalls of writing along with other businesses.

2 responses to “Book Talk 11/22/19: Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s The Freelancer’s Survival Guide Traci Kenworth”

  1. This certainly sounds like a useful read, Traci.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It has a lot of business info for writers and other business owners. She’s owned her share of businesses and has had a successful writing career. Thanks for stopping by, Robbie! Appreciate it!


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